
Hear what our previous clients have to say

Miles + Zara

We are so happy to see Phife. Can't believe she has dealt so well with being moved across continents. She is on such great form We wanted to say a big thank you to you, Anita, for looking after her so well. She really is in terrific condition. Her coat looks amazing and she looks incredibly well exercised (you can see her muscles so she's obviously in great health and that's down to you). You really have been a star at accommodating all our last minute requests and putting up with our disorganization. Thank you for making the transition so painless, smooth and easy.


First of all thank you for thinking of us /Tess and for the lovely photo of Tess and Rowdy - it gives us such solace that she is well looked after at Yapperville and the picture could not have said it better! Thank you to Yapperville and all your staff again for providing a home away from home for Tess.


I received Robin's message saying that Pip arrived safely and travelled well. I'm really pleased because I was a bit worried she may have thrown up in your car. We arrive back in Nairobi on 1st May late in the evening so the 2nd would be good for Pippi's return (if convenient). Thanks again, I can go away knowing Pip's in great hands..


We are really loving having the creatures back, we have been down to the beach with them-its actually been sunny! Digby is Pauls shadow, he goes to work with him everyday-if he didnt I may strangle him as he spends the day stealing socks and toys and chewing sticks in the lounge!! Really glad you’re still in touch with Karen and expanding your dog export 'side'. You and Karen made something very hard and stressful a lot easier, so big big thanks.